Monday, February 3, 2020

Google Alert - program

As-it-happens update February 3, 2020
A drive to support Goodwill's BookWorks childhood literacy program kicked off on Feb. 1 and continues through March 15 in an effort to bring the joy of ...
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The Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies program is piloting a new capstone seminar for graduate students' senior theses discussions this ...
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EDITOR'S NOTE: Each Friday the U.S. Department of Agriculture visits farms, ranches, forests and resource areas to introduce farmers, prdoucers and ...
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The American Heart Association (AHA) has announced the students participating in its Queen/King of Hearts program from Clearfield and the ...
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Since the beginning of the share repurchase program, Check Point has repurchased approximately 171.1 million shares for a total purchase price of ...
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